Each season, nature brings dramatic changes to Manhattan, the beating heart of New York City. But how often do the millions of inhabitants, scurrying about their business, stop to consider the rhythmic clicking of cicadas in summer, Central Park’s brilliantly colored leaves in fall, the first blooms of springtime, or winter’s first blanket of snow? This second collection of poems by Leeson Ames will draw you into a place that only an observant and impassioned resident can understand and describe so eloquently.
A Bedlamite in Satan's Circus
Author: Leeson Ames
Publisher: Mulberry Bend Books (New York, New York.)
Category (BISG): POE005010
Publication date: 2020
Pages: 103
Price: $14.95 (eBook)
Trim in Print: 6×9
ISBN / Format: 978-0-9887963-6-2/ Ebook