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The Liberating Promise of Philanthropy: Stories of Grantmakers in the South

Very little has been written about the way in which grant-making foundations have shaped the modern economy and culture of the South. Now Martin Lehfeldt, former president of the Southeastern Council of Foundations, and Dr. Jamil Zainaldin, president emeritus of the Georgia Humanities Council, fill that gap in our understanding with their comprehensive yet accessible history of philanthropic organizations’ work in the region. The Liberating Promise of Philanthropy will be read with interest by all readers with an interest in the nonprofit sector or Southern history.

The Liberating Promise of Philanthropy: Stories of Grantmakers in the South

  • Authors: Martin Lehfeldt & Jamil Zainaldin
    Publisher: The Storyline Group (Atlanta, Ga.)
    Category (BISG): HIS036120
    Publication date: November 21st, 2019
    Pages: 431
    Price: $24.99 (hardcover), $19.95 (softcover), $19.95 (ebook)
    Trim in Print: 6×9
    Find it at:, Amazon, Apple Books, retail outlets
    ISBN / Format:
    978-0-9887963-1-7 / Hardcover
    978-0-9887963-2-4 / Softcover
    978-0-9887963-0-0 / Ebook

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